Road To Suchness

Palm Springs Art Museum

Going to a museum to spend a few hours, no matter where that museum is, always seems like a good idea to me.   This could be especially true if you have spent a few days in Palm Springs, have played hard in the pool, partied late at night.  I did wonder, though, as we walked approaching the museum if it would be stuffy and cramped inside with small rooms to navigate.  I am glad to report that the museum is open, cool, soothing.  When you have had enough time exploring, find yourself a bench and take in your lovely surroundings here.

What will you find at the Palm Springs Art Museum?  True to this area of California, there  is a collection of regional works from the 19th, 20th and 21st Century.   You will also find some pretty exquisite work from Native America, Mesoamerica and Mexico.  To add to this mix, look for contemporary glass work and American photography that are part of the museum’s permanent collection.

And aside from the collections there are always rotating shows. Helen Frankenthaler’s late works were on exhibit when we visited.  

Are you into theater?  What I didn’t realize until I had left the museum is that they have some good entertainment going on right in the building at  the Annebury Theater. They present a broad variety of shows including Broadway, dance, jazz and classical.   You can reserve your seat with anticipation on their site:  

Need some souvenirs or gifts?  Stop at the museum shop. They have a lot of little treasures.  I didn’t make it out of there without buying two very original Day of the Dead t-shirts for presents.  They were printed by the museum itself. 

I was skeptical, then pleasantly surprised.  The building seemed rather small when we approached it from the outside.  I wasn’t looking forward to moving from one cramped room to another.  But, as you can see from all the photographs, it was open and pleasant to navigate. 

Don’t just stand back and look at that stack of oversized yellow plates.  Walk around them and see what happens.

You have come this far.  Do you need a break and a little refreshment?  I would have loved going to the Persimmon Bistro  But we had just had a very relaxing lunch at The Barn before going to the museum.  Although it is in the middle of the Sculpture Garden, it is open to anyone, not only visitors to the museum.  They describe themselves as being surrounded by stunning mountain landscapes.  Darn!  I should have gone anyway! 

Don’t have traveler’s regrets like I did.  Have lunch at The Barn at Sparrows Lodge  before you leave Palm Springs.  I highly recommend it.  And so did the Michelin Guide for Palm Springs in December, 2022!        Check out my post of the Barn here:   

So consider the Palm Springs Art Museum as restorative, educational, and a pleasant  break from swimming pools, golf courses and rooftop martinis: /

So consider the Palm Springs Art Museum as restorative, educational, and a pleasant  break from swimming pools, golf courses and rooftop martinis: /

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