Road To Suchness

Taos Puelbo, New Mexico

Discover Taos Pueblo

I visited Taos Pueblo again in October, just before the weather would turn, the days would shorten and the icy winds would whip down from the mountains. The day couldn’t have been more perfect.  The Pueblo has not always been opened to the public.  So I feel fortunate to have been  there twice, along with people from all over the world.  Most of the Taos Indians do not live in the village, but in the surrounding area of the city of Taos. The village, though, is still a central gathering point for ceremonies. This is just as it was one thousand years ago when Taos Pueblo was first built.

River Rio Pueblo de Taos

The Rio Pueblo de Taos flows from Blue Lake.  Considered to be the source of all life, Blue Lake is in the Sangre de Christo Mountains. You can see them in the distance from the pueblo.  Adobe buildings are divided on either side of this little river that flows through the complex.   There is no running water or electricity in the apartments.  The river is, has always been, the source of water.

Taos Plueblo, New Mexico

Pueblo of Adobe

The multi-storied building that houses the individual apartments is adobe (a mixture of dirt, water and straw). Each apartment has two rooms, one for cooking and eating, the other for sleeping. It was not until the last one hundred years that doors were carved into the walls. Before that you would climb the wooden ladders and enter through the roof. This provided a firm structure (with thick walls) that gave protection from invaders. Most time, though, was spent outside, as each family had their own plot of land for farming on the acres surrounding the pueblo.

Taos Pueblo

St. Jerome's Chapel

The Spanish chanced upon Taos Pueblo in 1540. By 1619 they built the first Catholic church, forcing Christianity on the Pueblo Indians. As an Indian you either converted to Christianity or paid with  a consequence:  your life. There was a revolt in 1680 and the chapel was destroyed, rebuilt and later destroyed again during the war with Mexico. They rebuilt the present day St. Jerome’s chapel in 1850. It is an integral part of the landscape of the Pueblo, of its history. I was able to enter and sit for awhile.  It felt intimate and peaceful to me on that morning. At the same time, spiritual and religious practices of the Indians are complex. And traditional kivas for religious practices are still used.

St. Jerome Church in Taos Pueblo, N.M.

Shop...... Galleries and Stores

Don’t be shy when you visit.   Stop along the way to enjoy the studios and little stores that sell baked goods.  This is you chance to meet and talk with the Indian artists and crafts people.

Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo, New Mexico
Taos Pueblo, New Mexico


Just as in Santa Fe, you will see  random ovens as you meander through Taos Pueblo.  The difference is in Santa Fe they are no longer in use.  But being part of the history of Santa Fe which, they are  preserved.  In Taos Pueblo I have seen them used by the residents there.

Taos Pueblo, New Mexico
Taos Pueblo, N.M

People...Just Being

At Taos Pueblo, N.M.
Taos Pueblo, New Mexico

I hope you visit the pueblo and enjoy it as much as I always do.  And if you are hungry on the way out, stop in town at Orlando’s for lunch. https://roadtosuchness.comtaos-orlandos-cafe-2/

Mountains behind Taos Pueblo

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